Chuin Wei Tan
Computational Materials PhD @ Harvard

I’m a second year PhD student in the Materials Intelligence Research (MIR) group of Harvard Unviersity, where I am fortunate to be advised by Boris Kozinsky. My research interests lie at the intersection of atomistic materials modelling, electronic structure and artificial intelligence.
Prior to joining the MIR group, I was a senior research assistant in the Sustainable Nanodevice Design Lab of Yee Sin Ang at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, where I developed a sustainability-guided in silico materials screening framework and applied it to the search of ultrawide bandgap 2D material candidates for next-generation nanodevices.
I completed my BA in Physics and MPhil in Materials Science at the University of Cambridge. During my time at the Materials Theory Group of Cambridge, I developed a differentiable software for orbital-free density functional simulations called PROFESS-AD under the supervision of Chuck Witt and Chris Pickard.